Fixed ----- [x] Shouldn't the ezcDocumentRstXhtmlVisitorTests tests just be ezcDocumentXhtmlVisitorTests ? No, as they are special test for the RstXhtml visitor, which explicitely visit the RST AST. We may have other XHtml visitors later, like for DocBook [x] Low code coverage in some parts. The parts which are actually implemented do have a >90% coverage. The other stuff is just misses test and implementation. The ast node base class also have low coverage, while the uncovered methods are jsut debugging helper methods, which are viable for parser debugging. But we may want to remove them in the release... [x] WHy is the RstXhtmlVisitor not simple a docbook visitor to generate XHTML? This is what we originally discussed as conversion shortcuts. A Docbook XHtml visitor will also be added. The direct conversion has access to more semantic information, then after the docbook conversion. [x] Why are the option class names including "Base" as in ezcDocumentParserBaseOptions and ezcDocumentConverterBaseOptions, ezcDocumentXmlBaseOptions. Fixed, removed "Base" from option class names. [x] Some of the class descriptions in document/rst/nodes/* are incorrect (Example is ezcDocumentRstSubstitutionNode). Fixed. [x] ezcDocumentRstToken doesn't have the constants documented - also run the doc analysis tool because there's some other stuff as well. Fixed. [x] Docblocks are broken for some files (eg. src/document/rst/nodes): there are duplicated @copyright and @license, and the @package is not Document. Fixed. [x] Strings should enclose variables in {}: "Could not find visitor for '{$class}'" Fixed [x] The tutorial should mention on how to extend the RST directives thingy. Fixed [x] A description of how the RST parser actually works should be added. Fixed [x] Why is ezcDocumentManager final? Because it is / will be a class only providing static (conversion) methods with a static registry of known documents. Once used in your code it makes nearly no sense to extend. But we can remove the final keyword to make it possible for users to write (and only use) their own manager on this base. Removed final keyword Open ---- [ ] There are some @TODOs in the code. The remaining TODOs will be resolved during further development.